Make a donation

Dear Jazz lovers,

After 23 years of presenting jazz in the Town of Sutton, we are launching our first official financial campaign.

With rising costs, and more and more festivals vying for a decreasing government funding, we are turning to you, our community of jazz lovers, and ask you for your support. Help us put on a great festival for this "SUTTON’S SUMMER of JAZZ 2024"

Our goal is to raise $5,000. If reached, those funds will be used to:

1) Help us provide an educational experience for students in our primary schools with our “History of Jazz Program”, where students are exposed to the many different genres of jazz ( presented by members of the Homebrew Dixieland Band)

2) Help us to offer master classes to the general public - where we discuss the art of improvisation, vocal techniques in jazz, jazz composition, what happens in the creation of free jazz and other topics as well.


3) Help defray the cost of the musicians who will perform in 2024

Help us to create another great festival this summer, our very own Jazz Festival, right here in Sutton, with local groups as well as big names from Montreal.

There are three methods for contributing:


Cheque donation

! Only donations by cheques are eligible for tax receipts.

! To receive a tax receipt, the donation must be superior to 20$.

  1. Simply issue a cheque to the TOWNSHIPPERS FOUNDATION, indicating on the line For : Festival de Jazz de Sutton.
  2. Send your cheque to: 107, Chemin Ruiter Brook, Mansonville, (Québec), J0E 1X0.
  3. Indicate your return address on the envelope and you'll receive a tax receipt.
Online donation
E-transfer donation

Sutton Jazz is a non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers. It is through this volunteer commitment and the generosity of donors that the festival is possible. Contribute in large numbers!

And if you're interested in getting personally involved, contact us to join our team of event volunteers, or apply to join our Board of Directors.